Featured Image for International School of Tactical Medicine LLC

First Responder Tactical Medicine & Civilian Active Shooter Response Training

"The Best Medicine in The Worst Places."

For over 28 years, the International School of Tactical Medicine LLC (ISTM) has been a trusted leader in providing advanced, tactical medicine training for law enforcement and Tactical Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) professionals. With a global reach spanning the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, we have trained thousands of students in realistic, skills and scenario-based courses. Our commitment to delivering "The Best Medicine in The Worst Places" ensures that tactical first responders are fully trained to immediately and effectively respond to an active shooter attack or other act of targeted violence.

Our mission

Our mission is to provide our students with the fundamentals of effective tactical response, threat mitigation, and the proper integration and application of life-saving medical care.

Vendor Profile



Primary NAICS: 611699 - All Other Miscellaneous Schools And Instruction


  • California Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)
  • California Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES)
  • California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
  • The Central California Intelligence Center (CCIC)
  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)